Tag - Heidelberg

2006 Heidelberg CD7...

2006 Heidelberg CD74-5P3+L-F Sheet Fed specs; CP2000; Autoplate; Alcolor; F format 23x 29; 42 mil...

2011 Heidelberg Sup...

2011 Heidelberg Suprasetter 105:; Prinect; Production Shooter 2 Rip; Stacker; 105 Size; See more ...

1997 Heidelberg GTO...

1997 Heidelberg GTO 52-4 specs; Kompac Dampening; 53 million impressions; 4/0 Straight press; Cla...

1994 Heidelberg GTOZP+

1994 Heidelberg GTOZP+ specs; Size: 14 1/8 x 20.5 in (36 x 52 cm); Conventional damp; Gear for Nu...

1982 Heidelberg GTO...

1982 Heidelberg GTO52+N specs; Size: 13 3/4 x 20.5 in (35 x 52 cm); Conventional Damp; Plus Versi...

1997 Heidelberg SM5...

1997 Heidelberg SM52-5PH specs:; 2/3 Perfector; 5/0 Straight; CPC 1.04 console; Alcolor Damp; MGE...

2009 Heidelberg SM5...

Heidelberg SM52-5+LX specs:; 0.6mm Thickness options; Straight machine; Anicolor; Prinect console...

1996 Heidelberg SM5...

Heidelberg SM52-2P specs; Alcolor; Autoplate; Auto-Wash; Perfector; Preset; Powder Spray; See mor...



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